On September 5, 2018, VNF was honored to be awarded the Science & Technology Enterprise Certification by the Department of Science and Technology in the Ca Mau Province. It was officially announced that the Shrimp Soluble Extract (SSE) which was formulated provided outstanding scientific and technological results c
As a pioneer in the by-products processing industry, VNF has continuously improved to create a high valued-added and innovated product, turning a by-product in the industry into a ‘gold-mine’ in the economy
With a strong mission, VNF will continue to play the role of a pioneer in the by-product industry through such as coordinate with Schools, Institutes, Scientists to implement national and international scientific research projects; automate production processes, contributing to reduce environmental impacts; implement products with a high application in industries such as Pharmaceutical, Food, Feed as a result of this VNF products are being commercialized throughout the country and abroad. Therefore, we are contributing to the development of the social-economic lifestyle and the GDP of Vietnam