
VNF has just won the 2019 Fi (Food Ingredients) Paris – Future of Nutrition Innovation Award

VNF has just won the ‘Future of Nutrition’ Innovation award at the 2019 Fi Europe show organized in Paris as the most innovative company that with its solutions will likely ‘disrupt accepted food supply chains beyond 5 years’. Our pioneering technology to use a biotechnological zero-waste mindset to extract value from shrimp co-products and turn it into food products won widespread acclaim as an alternative source of protein for the world’s growing population.

Simultaneously, we were able to show that not only were our production practices aligned to sustainability, but that our work in creating value from shrimp co-products (through the production of all our products within the food, animal feed, chitin/chitosan, and organic fertilizer segments) overall contributed to reducing negative environmental impacts.

As in the recent years, the Fi Innovation awards are regarded as the most prestigious competition within the food ingredients industry. There were many big and so we were honestly very doubtful that we could have a chance to win. VNF is extremely proud of this achievement, as this was an entire company team effort and shows that the strategy and vision we are pursuing is well-supported and appreciated by many people worldwide.

Here are a couple of interesting links to articles and videos spotlighting VNF winning the Future Of Nutrition award:

Article by FoodIngredientsFirst (Representative of Fi Global) introducing the award Fi Global and VNF’s award:

Award Ceremony of Fi Global 2019 on Youtube:

News Segment on the 7pm News on the 7/12 on National Television VTC about VNF as the sole Asian Winner at Fi Global 2019:

                     The press release for Fi Global 2019 from Informa Markets                                                                         Source: Fi Global

                     VNF team with 2 of the judges at the award ceremony                                                                                       Source: VNF

                    The food products we presented at the competition                                                                                             Source: VNF