In March of 2018 – VNF began a collaboration with Minh Phu Corporation (MPC) to develop technology for Black Soldier Fly (BSF) project. The BSF (scientific name Hermetia Illucens) is a native fly whose Larvae are able to convert any organic materials into a high-quality protein source
This new project will provide VNF with a new source of high-quality insect protein to complement with its current range of protein-extracted products. In addition, MPC will also benefit from a cleaner & greener water treatment process

A preliminary trial in Ca Mau in May 2017 was successful in proving the feasibility of Black Soldier Flies on sludge treatment. In order to develop the project, a pilot site for farming and substantial R&D investment were required. It is expected that the potential growth of BSF project would contribute a huge positive impact on sludge treatment and agriculture by-product industry.
In summary, the cooperation will not only benefit the two companies but boost business connections and commercialize BSF products across the world.