On 3 October 2016, VNF held a signing ceremony of the Cooperation Agreement with Korean CJ Group at Sheraton Vietnam. This follows the success of the MoU conducted a year prior on 20 May 2015. The Cooperation Agreement focuses on the ‘Research cooperation, technological innovation, and commercialization of value-added products based on SSE (Shrimp Soluble […]
Strategic Partnership Agreement: JBIChem and VNF
Mr. Roy Lim – Managing Director of JBChem; Mr. Ikehara Kiyoshi – Vice General Director of VNF and Madame Le Thuy Huong – Chairwoman of VNF Vietnam Food JSC (VNF) and JBI Chem Vinahealth Biochemical Co. Ltd. (or Viet Khang in Vietnamese name) a member of the international consortium JB Chem, signed strategic partnership agreement […]
Strategic signing ceremony between Vietnam Food (VNF) and CJ Cheil Jedang
Sự hợp tác sẽ giúp thúc đẩy sản xuất và tiêu thụ của Dịch tôm thủy phân cùng nhiều sản phẩm khác của VNF, ra ngoài biên giới Việt Nam. Ngày 20.5.2015, buổi lễ ký kết hợp tác chiến lược giữa Tập Đoàn CJ Cheil Jedang (Feed) (CJ) và công ty cổ phần Việt Nam […]
The two faces of the livestock feeds industry
While the livestock and aquaculture industries face heavy impacts from the slowing economy, foreign feeds manufacturers seem to be unaffected, even growing. Opposite from the spontaneous rises and drops in cattles and aqua products, the feeds manufacturers still enjoy stable prices. Input cost decrease, output price remain slightly the same In recent months, the raw […]
Shrimp Soluble Extract – Novel Feed Attractant For Aquaculture
Prof. Le Thanh Hung Faculty of Fisheries Nong Lam University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Summary: Vietnam Organic applied an enzymatic hydrolysis process on shrimp head waste to produce a shrimp soluble extract (SSE) feed attractant containing a mixture of free amino acids and peptide. The product comprises of 20% crude protein thus having […]
Shrimp Soluble Extract – Novel Feed Attractant For Aquaculture. STUDY WITH TILAPIA
Prof: Le Thanh Hung Faculty of Fisheries Nong Lam University – Ho Chi Minh City – Vietnam. – A study using the SSE product in tilapia feed was carried out in 15 500-L composite tanks. Five diets, containing fishmeal, soybean meal, rice bran, cassava meal, fish oil and premix were formulated to contain 32% […]
VNF launching the new livestock feed generation. Objective: to have economic efficiency in parallel with our feeding efficiency
Being a manufacturer of protein extraction from seafood and with our desire to constantly create innovative products with high efficiency; VNF successfully tested a new attractant, made from fresh shrimp shells hcalled SSE (SHRIMP SOLUBLE EXTRACT). This is a natural protein-rich product for the livestock feed industry. After weeks of testing on farm animals, we […]