On 06/12/2021, VNF & DAM CA MAU (PVCFC) signed an MOU for the Strategic Cooperation to develop bio-fertilizer and bio-products for AGRICULTURE. We are extremely proud and excited to accompany PVCFCon this journey with the contribution of VNF Peptides & Chitin/Chitosan.
A new chapter of VNF begins when our products are expanded into the field of fertilizer. With environmentally friendly properties, high nutrition values, antibacterial/antifungal ability, immune enhancement, and soil support improvement … VNF’s products such as peptides, chitin/ chitosan, etc… will be the main raw material solution for the project.

According to a UN report(1), over 820 million people worldwide suffered from hunger. Additionally, Climate Change could cause poverty to another 122 million people (mostly farmers) by 2030. Climate change also makes the land saline and arid. In the Mekong Delta, 1.8 million hectares of land is saline. According to Oxfam’s report, 45% of the Mekong Delta will be completely saline by 2030 (2). Only in the first 6 months of 2020, 100,000 hectares of rice fields and crops were damaged with a loss of 2,500 billion VND (3).
Realizing this, in November 2017, the Government of Vietnam actively offered solutions to prevent Climate Change. The Government has decreed “Respecting the laws of nature and in accordance with actual conditions, avoiding violent interference with nature; choose a model, which is highly adaptable to nature, environmentally friendlly and sustainable…” and “Building the aquaculture industry to become one of the spearheading economic sectors of the region, with large scale, modernity, high competitiveness and sustainability …” (4).
In fact, we have implemented a series of solutions to follow the “heaven’s wills” such as: shifting focus from rice cultivation to aquaculture development; selecting crops suitable for new conditions; developing a rice-shrimp farming model; applying high-tech production models in accordance with nature… In particular, the shrimp industry is identified as an important economic sector of the country, and it is expected to reach $ 10 billion (up 3 times compared to 2018) in the next 5-year period.

PVCFC is a leading company in Vietnam in the field of fertilizers. With the mission of “Becoming the fertilizer leader in the region”, in 2020 PVCFC overcame difficulties caused by the outbreak of Covid to set a revenue record of VND 7,666 bil., achieving 112% of the plan. The company is always aiming for new values for consumers such as efficiency and sustainability. In particular, the NEW GENERATION FERTILIZER will play an important role in the new strategy. “NEW GENERATION FERTILIZER will simultaneously increase efficiency and productivity in agriculture, conserve natural resources, and protect the environment,” (said Mr. Thanh Van (Văn Tiến Thanh), General Director of PVCFC, at the conference “The actual situation and solutions for management of the use of fertilizers, pesticides and planting areas, packaging facilities in the Mekong Delta provinces (August 2021)).
According to Global Market Insights, the global fertilizer industry is expected to achieve > $210 bil. by 2027. Although bio-fertilizers have been developed recently, the growth rate is >12% (APAC, Y2017-24), >5 times higher than the growth rate of traditional fertilizers (2.4%/year, Y2021-27).

Beyond its direct values for customers, New Generation Fertilizers will contribute to the sustainable development of the Mekong Delta and the alleviation of climate change impacts. Climate Change is happening now and will only continue to worsen if we do not take the right actions. The Vietnamese Government’s determination to develop the shrimp industry in the Mekong Delta is a powerful strategy to combat climate change effects. VNF believes that this cooperation will contribute significantly to the development of the shrimp industry (recovery of nutrients from by-products) and provide sustainable, powerful solutions for farmers and Vietnam’s agriculture.
Prof. XUAN VO (VÕ TÒNG XUÂN) – a leading agricultural scientist in the world and also a teacher for generations of Vietnamese agronomists – who has been contributing greatly to the development of the rice industry in the Mekong Delta. Despite of his old age, he is still very dedicated and relentless in coming up with solutions for Climate Change. He believes that with comprehensive and drastic actions, the Mekong Delta will overcome the current challenges and develop successfully. Therefore, we would like to cite a quote from Prof. XUAN VO (VÕ TÒNG XUÂN) as the conclusion “I just hope that one day, future generations can witness the green fields in Vietnam…” (‘’Một mai sẽ có đôi mắt thay tôi nhìn ngắm những cánh đồng Việt Nam…’’)

- https://news.un.org/en/story/2019/07/1042411
- https://dangcongsan.vn/xay-dung-xa-hoi-an-toan-truoc-thien-tai/nhung-nguy-co-dong-bang-song-cuu-long-phai-doi-mat-do-bien-doi-khi-hau-592672.html
- http://kttvqg.gov.vn/tin-tuc-bdkh-112/bien-doi-khi-hau-gay-thiet-hai-hon-2-500-ty-tai-viet-nam-8024.html
- http://vanban.chinhphu.vn/portal/page/portal/chinhphu/hethongvanban?class_id=509&_page=1&mode=detail&document_id=192249