I am thrilled to announce that I will begin my journey in the full-time MBA program at MIT Sloan School of Management this fall! Being part of such a prestigious institution known for its focus on innovation and sustainability is a true honor. Before I embark on this exciting adventure, I want to express my heartfelt appreciation to all the incredible mentors, colleagues, and friends - both longstanding and newfound - who have played a significant role in my professional life before the MBA and during the application process. Your unwavering support has made a tremendous difference in my life, and for that, I am eternally grateful! A special shout-out of gratitude goes to Mr. Chau Quach, whose unwavering support has been instrumental in my professional growth at PwC and in exploring various career pathways afterward. And to Mr. Loc Phan, for inspiring me to believe in myself, dream big, and embrace the challenge of pushing boundaries every single day. I owe so much of who I am today to both of you. I am more than happy to assist others who may be considering an MBA education or applying to MIT Sloan. Feel free to reach out to me, and I'd be glad to share my experiences or offer guidance. Here's to an exciting future ahead!
Congratulations, Ngoc Phan, on your incredible achievement of gaining admission to the MBA program at MIT Sloan Business School 🙏🙏🙏!
We cherish the memories of your first day with us as a member of the Strategy Department. Since then, your dedication, hard work, and brilliance have led you to assume various managerial roles. Your invaluable contributions continue to leave a lasting impact on many of VNF’s significant projects and achievements. We are incredibly grateful for your presence and the indelible mark you’ve left on our organization. Thank you!
VNF embodies the principle articulated by Steve Jobs: “Great things in business are never done by one person, they’re done by a team of people.” At VNF, we believe in working hard, playing hard, and achieving success together as a team. Our collaborative environment not only fosters collective accomplishments but also nurtures personal growth for each team member. Your admission to a prestigious international elite school further exemplifies VNF’s track record of nurturing exceptional talent.
The next chapter might be ‘a long & winding road’, but you definitely know how to ‘survive & thrive’.